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Related article: conscious of his own effeminacy ? Be this as it may, he never real- ised that English girls had English instincts, and that those who were unusually high-spirited could not but rebel against the tediousness of their home training. This is why he spoke with Where To Buy Ginseng Tea such a daintily fastidious contempt of ** the female cavaliers," who dressed themselves in a hat and feather, a riding coat and periwig. But they had their revenge. When the Spectator met one of them in Hyde Park, Where Can I Buy Ginseng Root what could he do but gasp, seeing that ** she stared at him with mascu- line assurance, and cocked her hat full in his face !" At Bury, in Suffolk, there lived a still more adventurous little group of sports- women, but Addison (I regret to say) never encountered them. These ladies tvere in a great vaine of wearing hreecJus ; and Buy Red Ginseng this means that they anticipated the 2k>uave knickerbockers worn by some of our lady bicyclists. Can the modern woman ever be original ? In Early Korean Ginseng Tablets Anglo-Saxon Times. But in spite of what I have just said, the seventeenth and eight- eenth centuries were to the great majority of English gentlewomen as dull as cards were without gambling and systematic cheating. The ea]-ly Anglo-Saxon ladies were far freer. Indeed, their freedom was excessive, as may be gathered from the fact that they could exer- cise their tempers and their arms by scourging their female slaves to death. This is horrible, no doubt ; but the tongues of some modern housewives scourge not much less cruelly than the Anglo- Saxon thongs. So I pass on to the pleasant fact that every village had then a public playground where the two sexes sported to- gether on feast days ; and we are told that the boys, after wrestling, jumping, and throwing the stone, '* mutually applauded one another with songs and musical instru- ments,'* so that there was a recog- nised etiquette of politeness even in those iron times. Fitz Stephen, a scribbling monk of the twelfth century, Buy American Ginseng relates how on public holidays during the sum- mer the London girls danced in the fields, played upon timbrels, and showed in many other -ways why our country was then called Merry England. In the evening, also, after prayers, they danced for garlands, their masters and mistresses being the judges; and the prizes hung all day " athwart the street," that they might excite the greatest amount of public Where To Buy Korean Ginseng in- terest. Even the slave girls had in earlier times the right of com- peting for the garlands. They IS99-] ENGLISHWOMEN AND THEIR SPORTS AND GAMES. lOI were firee on the joyous days of public festival, when the whole country seems to have been a happy democracy. During the Easter holidays girls played handball, and Ginseng 100 Mg the prize was an aromatic tansy cake which may have been a survival of the iewish custom of eating bitter erbs Buy Panax Ginseng at the feast of the Passover. In Newcastle the mayor went in state to the little Mall of the town, there to watch the games, and probably to give away the cakes. But of all these public pastimes the most interesting took place on the Tuesday following the second Sunday Korean Ginseng Price after Easter. Hoke Where To Buy Panax Ginseng Day or Hock Day is mentioned by Matthew Paris, whom w^e may {>erhaps describe as the Froude of the thirteenth century. Even then, of course, the festival was old, time-honoured. Sometimes it ^%as called Binding Tuesday, because the men and women bound one another, **and espe- cially the women the men," says Sir Henry Spelman, who probably saw some of the first performances of Shakespeare's plays. In Hamp- shire, and perhaps in other coun- ties, the men hocked the women on Monday, while on the great day, the Tuesday, it was the women who bound the men. This is a sure sign that civilisation was progressing, that popular opinion was in favour of a ceremonious deference shown to the fair bel- ligerent sex in general. We are all too apt to regard chivalry as an aristocratic agency which never softened and refined the manners of the working classes. Let us then remember that on Hoke Day the women were the chief actors in a great national festival. What did they do ? Buy Ginseng Tea In the first place they stretched ropes across the street, forming a sort of prison ; then they bound and imprisoned Where To Buy Ginseng Root every man whom they could catch ; and if the captives wished to regain their liberty then they had to give something to a "pious charity." It is thought that this festival commemorated the death of Har- dicanute, which severed the con- nection between the crowns of England and Denmark. The binding part of the ceremony may have reminded the English that they had been slaves under the Danes ; and perhaps a prisoner, when paying his ransom in a gift of money to a pious Buy Ginseng Root charity, re- turned thanks to Heaven for the recovered freedom of his race. Under the Norman kings, how- ever, the real meaning of the ceremonies Red Ginseng Tablets must have grown dim, I should think, in the popular mind. Yet the rejoicings on Hoke Day went on, and in some towns they were still famous during Elizabeth's reign. In Coventry, for example, there was then a great mimic fight between two bands of amateur players, one re- presenting the Danes, the other the Saxons, and, thanks to their women folk, the Saxons led their foes captive. " This play," we are Where To Buy American Ginseng told, ** was performed before Queen Elizabeth, who laughed much at the pageant, and be- stowed upon the performers two bucks and five marks of money." Pageants. The Roman Catholic Church has never failed to quicken the Price Of Ginseng Root dramatic instinct, as well as to awaken and foster Buy Korean Ginseng a passion for Where To Buy Red Ginseng stirring music and beautiful colours. This is why Catholic peoples have ever been specially noted for their Ginseng Root Price delight in brilliant pageants. And has it ever oc- curred to you, that if Puritanism had appeared and grown strong in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the whole main current of the national literature would I02 BAILY S MAGAZINE. 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